Presentation is Key

Excellence is Exciting. 

It gets your attention. If you see something that someone has gone to great lengths to present or show, it just makes you want to take notice! #Boom #ItsHereNOW!

That’s why marketing is so important to do well and have a polished presentation, because when you have something super-extra special to share or announce or want people to know about, it is a natural thing to make your presentation EXTRA special! The precursor to the WOW response. It raises expectations and perception from the very start. And EXPECTATIONS are powerful when it comes to how a person receives something. It’s as common as going to your favorite restaurant. You have expectations of how it will taste and you get excited and enjoy it. The food can be just as good or better at a different place, but if you go to a new place not knowing what to expect and the building looks a little uncared for and maybe the staff a little disheveled….well, your expectations are lower and maybe the food is not perceived as good! [actually, there’s a plug for YELP to check out the star ratings!]

#powerful #expectationsrule

So, this month Panasonic is announcing our new LUMIX S1 Full Frame camera after about 10 years of focusing on the Micro 4/3 format. Yes, it’s a big deal. And I must say, an amazing camera! But what I so enjoyed is how they presented and announced it at WPPI, the Wedding Portrait Photographers International Conference in Las Vegas this month! Wow- it was a 40-foot booth and just incredible! So many people raved and said it took the show! #MissionAccomplished! That’s the way you get the attention and capture the gaze and raise the expectation that what you are announcing is awesome! So, let me just brag a little on how lovely our booth was and how proud I was to be a part of this year’s presentation of our new flagship full frame camera! Yes there is a lot of info out there on all the features and specs of the camera- (SEE LINKS AT END OF BLOG). BUT I think I just want to share a different perspective on presentation, expectations and marketing excellence!

[The reviews are coming too, but after the camera is actually shipping. (April, 2019)]

Here’s a panorama of the booth:

The dramatic Black and White design is clean and elegant, offset by the riotous fuchsia flower arrangements that were truly incredible. Of course, I got sucked into shooting the flowers and the bokeh with the full frame sensor and 50mm 1.4 lens! #yeah!  There were stations all around the stage with the new Lumix S1 and S1R cameras so attendees could try them out.


We also had FABULOUS dancers performing every hour and a pair of great models in between. As a dance enthusiast myself, I was captured and amazed by their dancing. I wish I had been able to film every dance but here are a few clips of a few performances!


We had presentations on our little stage every hour by the ambassadors present: William Innes, Rick Gerrity, Jordan Bunch, Matthew Sutherland, Charles & Jennifer Maring, James Schmelzer, Joseph Linaschke, Kevin Gilbert, Levi Sim, Shiv Verma, myself (Suzette Allen), marketing wizard Skip Cohen, and the stage was hosted by our ambassador, [and TWIP founder], Frederick Van Johnson. What a great line-up! It was definitely a busy booth!

Many of our SSR’s were present to share technical assistance and answer questions, of course, as well as our Ambassador team leader, Tom Curley who is the mastermind behind the whole presentation and booth design. Kudos to Tom, for a job well done –with excellence.

The only sad part was not being able to take home the stellar flower arrangements after the show…. haha! But my more valuable takeaway was the timely reminder to present ourselves, our businesses and our products with excellence and style. Branding is a powerful tool to shape expectations and if we are consistent with not only our products, but our presentation and attention to detail at every part of the marketing process, we can leverage expectations to our benefit. It’s the reason we spend the little extra for the beautiful packaging of our portraits from our lab (ie: Bay Photo Lab). It reminds me of why we should regularly review our website… dress nicer, wash the car more often… (and plant those flowers next to my driveway!).

The only difference between Good and Excellent is the Attention to Detail!   ~anonymous

Thanks for reading— remember to pursue excellence and pay attention to details!













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