
Grass Blades: Sculpture in Seattle

A few months ago I made a trip to Seattle to film a video for Panasonic about the tiny ZS200. It was such an amazing trip and I’m working on a book about it! Here are a few pages of the book design and some of the poetry and travel dialog from the book-


You are grounded and reaching.

You are linear; you are illusive.

I can see past you but you stop me

You make my eyes dart and soar.

I can’t get enough of you because there

are so many ways to experience you.

Let me weave in and out of the tallness

you possess. The staggering variables of your design;

the placement of your feet in the world.


The fascination I had with this installation was

overwhelming. Every way I looked at it was exciting.

the textures, the placement, the colors, the spaces in

between, even. The intervals, the color range.

Pure eye candy! And every new vantage point brought

a new vision, a sensation I hadn’t felt, a shape I

hadn’t seen yet. I photographed this amazing art for a

very long time. In and through, up and down, low and

high, close and far. I never tired of it. But eventually,

we had to go.

“Grass Blades”

As big as it was, when I stepped back to Take it all in,

the lovely, patterned fence was not so huge afterall…

it was dwarfed by its towering peer, the Space Needle.

Faintly shimmering in the background is the moPOP pretending to be shy…

hiding its riotous colors and shapes from sight.

Oh, but am I seeing a glimmer of RED?

GRASS BLADES Metal Sculpture by John Flemming

at the north entrance of the Seattle Center.

#SuzetteSays #SEEinspired #seetheworld #lovetravel #findyourway #findthetime #wherelumixgoes #Lumixzs200 @createwithsuzette #seewithneweyes @bayphotolab

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