Not only is it incredibly easy to see what is in focus, you can see it from afar! Sometimes, you just can’t rely on auto focus—like when an animal is in its hole and you are waiting for it to appear… or just in a low contrast area where you just cant tell… Not to mention when you are in a position that you cannot look through the Electronic viewfinder. You must rely on what you can see on the monitor and perhaps it is a sunny day. Not exactly an ideal situation! But now, you can be completely confident that the area you desire is in perfect focus! Focus peaking puts sparkly blue [or color of your choice] edges on the areas in focus, so as you turn the focus ring, you literally see it move and can identify with accuracy what you are getting. It is especially useful for Macro and shallow depth of field shots.

By the way, there is a great option to show the area enlarged so you can really see if the focus is right. Again, you can drag the enlarged area to wherever you like, and change the magnification too! It is so wonderful to have all these little bells and whistles built in….After a while you wonder how you survived before, when you didn’t have a camera with focus peaking.


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