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40 Years–NO TV (?)

Ok, so you can call me a freak of nature if you want. I know it’s weird and makes people wonder about me, but 40 years ago today I moved out of my parent’s home (got married!- yes this would have been my 40th anniversary too!) and moved into an apartment with no TV.

It’s not that I’m a TV-Hater or Anti-TV. And I certainly don’t judge people who watch it either. It was just not for me. Lots of people just use it to “unplug” from the day, but I’d much rather be creative  as my “unplugging” habit!  It’s actually served me well over the years and helped be become a stellar Photoshop instructor. (for 22 years!). I would often tell my students,

“If you just take one hour per day that you would normally watch TV and just play in Photoshop, in one year you would be a rockstar photoshopper!”

-suzette allen.

And it’s all true! You don’t even need to do anything productive- just play around and you’ll learn more each day!

So, I don’t really use Photoshop an hour a day anymore, but I do other creative things like journaling  and painting- photography or whatever. Seriously, after 40 years, TV holds ZERO appeal, and it never even crosses my mind! (even when I’m in a hotel and it’s staring me in the face!)

Let’s revive CREATIVITY as therapy and rest!

I am celebrating a creative life because I’ve used Art and Creativity to unplug, instead of the television all these years.

So, here’s to 40 Years of Inspiration and Creative Self-Entertainment instead of letting TV entertain me!


#SuzetteSays #creativityishealing #entertainyourself #unplugwithArt #freakofnature #yesimweird #butilikemyselfthatway #ownit #beyourself #noshame #beamazingyou #giveyourselfpermission #followyourbliss #laughatyourself #beauthentic #oktobeme

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